3.3.1 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace | Online Learning (30 Min)
COURSE DESCRIPTION An effective diversity, equity and inclusion program should cover a wide variety of scenarios and potential situations that can occur in the workplace. The training needs to teach employees that everyone can be both a victim and a perpetrator of bias and/or microaggressions. Unconscious bias refers to the associations that are made between different qualities and societal categories such as race, gender or disability and are judgments that we make without conscious awareness. This training course addresses a wide variety of hidden biases, common examples are those based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, age, and sexual orientation. The training also addresses biases based on a variety of personal characteristics such as height, weight, and attractiveness. The training focuses on providing practical guidance that participants can implement immediately in their workplace to help reduce the negative impact of bias and promote a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.
This course is a part of the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Certification program. Interested? COURSE OBJECTIVES
Understand what unconscious bias is and why it occurs;
Review the different types of biases that exist and learn how to measure your level of bias with the Implicit Association Test (IAT);
Understand how implicit bias can impact the workplace and learn how to “interrupt” unconscious bias from impacting your workplace decisions and behavior;
Learn how managers can minimize the impact of implicit bias in the recruitment and hiring process as well as in assignments, performance assessments, and promotions;
Understand the impact of bias on organizational effectiveness along with strategic and financial benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace.
DESIGNED FOR For any employee regardless of position.
PREREQUISITES There is no prerequisite for this course.
COURSE LENGTH Self-Paced, 30 Minutes
NEED ASSISTANCE? If you have questions regarding this course or need help, please email info@peakperformanceinc.com.