Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Certification

Cleveland , Tennessee
11 Sept 2023 - 25 Sept 2023
Smart Factory Institute at the PIE Innovation Center
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

This program addresses hidden biases and microaggressions that can occur in the workplace based on different qualities and societal categories, such as race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, age, and sexual orientation. It provides practical guidance for participants to implement immediately to help reduce the negative impact of bias and promote a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. The training also covers bystander intervention, including the "Bystander Effect" and the three "I's": Identify, Interrupt, and Impact, to prevent harassment, discrimination, and microaggressions in the workplace. Upon completion, participants will have the knowledge and tools to avoid workplace discrimination and promote a positive and productive workplace.

Course Delivery
Blended Learning - Online, Self-Paced & Instructor-Led (each course)

Participants will receive a link to the online portion of the course one week prior to the class date, to complete on their own. This is a 1 hour self-paced lesson. Participants will attend a 90 minute instructor-led class to review course material and apply knowledge through class activities.

Participants will be awarded a badge for each course they complete. A Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Certificate will be awarded to those participants completing all 3 courses within the certification.

Courses Included:

3.3.1 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace 
  • Understand your own unconscious biases;
  • Evaluate real world scenarios and discuss how you would respond;
  • Enhance knowledge of participants resulting in an increase level of appreciation for diversity;
  • Learn how diversity issues impact us in our daily interaction and in the workplace;
  • Generate open, honest, and frank dialogue through sharing information and active participation;
  • Achieve an understanding of the benefits of a diverse labor workforce;
  • Attain a commitment to change and progress by valuing differences. 
3.3.2 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Microaggressions 
  • Learn what constitutes a microaggression;
  • Understand how to identify common examples of microaggressions;
  • Learn how to avoid committing microaggressions and;
  • Know how to respond if you experience or witness a microaggression. 
3.3.3 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Bystander Intervention 
  • Describe what causes the Bystander Effect and why Bystander Intervention is important;
  • Identify actions or statements that call for interruption, including harassment, discrimination, microaggressions, and examples of both explicit and unconscious bias;
  • Interrupt or intervene in those situations safely and effectively by: 
  • Understanding the different approaches to de-escalation;
  • Considering which approaches work best in certain types of scenarios;
  • Supporting targets of bias and being allies for marginalized individuals or groups;
  • Impact the workplace culture through appropriate and positive follow up after the situation. 

Class Schedule:

9/11/23: Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
10:00am - 11:30am - Instructor Led

9/18/23: Microagressions
10:00am - 11:30am - Instructor Led

9/25/23: Bystander Intervention
10:00am - 11:30am - Instructor Led


Start Date Register
